...a weekly sports column that appears in "The Freeman" every Sunday (Cebu, Philippines)...also a collection of stories about sports events that Bleacher Talk manages...
Bleacher Talk August 30, 2009 Milo BEST Milo and BEST, BEST and Milo = Milo BEST. Get it? It’s a play of words that has been there for the past 25 years and it looks like nothing can stop it. When one talks about THE basketball tournament for youth, Milo BEST is hands-down, a top-of-mind answer. And so why all the fuss? All because Cebu’s 2009 edition of the Milo-sponsored BEST SBP/Passerelle Twin Basketball Tournaments kicks off tomorrow at the University of San Carlos North Campus Gym. Once again, the best of age-group basketball get together for a friendly round of games in what is now known as the most followed tournament in the country. Coaches of the teams playing in the Milo-sponsored BEST SBP/Passerelle Twin Tournaments pose for a unity shot at the coaches organizational meeting. Many questions have been asked about Milo BEST, and so we felt it proper to provide answers to the FAQ’s about the event. For starters, the event is organized by the Basketball Efficiency and Scient...
Milo BEST: All Basics The Basketball Efficiency Scientific Training (BEST) Center has been around for 31 years, and it has been at the forefront of doing the most basic of basketball teaching: sticking to the basics. This is the primary content of the Milo-sponsored BEST Center basketball clinics that have become an institution in Philippine basketball. “We teach the fundamentals, lahat ng klaseng fundamentals ng basketball — that’s our philosophy, dahil sabi nila, basketball is just a series of fundamentals,” said Nic, who was inspired to bring the concept of basketball clinics to the Philippines 31 years ago when budding players at that time had no formal training in the sport. The BEST Center program is divided into four levels. Level 1 focuses on dribbling and ballhandling fundamentals. Level 2 is focused on the basics of shooting. Level 3 is on Individual Defense while Level 4 is on Individual Offense. Every student who enrolls in the BEST Center starts with Level 1 and moves up ...
Bleacher Talk November 9, 2008 Dominate Visayas? Cebu has always boasted that it’s the hotbed of basketball south of Manila. But if it’s a real dominance over the rest of our neighbors in Visayas and Mindanao, this will have to cover all levels of basketball. At the higher level of basketball, Cebu is virtually unstoppable. The M. Lhuillier ballclub has always been tops in the semi pro circuit, representing Cebu in the Liga Plipinas and their previous leagues such as the MVBA and URBL. At the collegiate level, the University of the Visayas has always been tagged as the top collegiate team in the Vismin and is even considered a threat to the top teams of the UAAP and NCAA. We’re not counting the PBA and PBL here since these are more national in scope. But I’d like to see M. Lhuillier take their action to this level (this makes another story). The Central Visayas has also been our domain in the Palarong Pambansa even if we suffered a glitch when Bohol defeated Cebu City in the high schoo...