Making a World Title Fight 2
Bleacher Talk July 25, 2008 Making a World Title Fight 2 The headline for today will have to be copied from that of three weeks ago as a minor bump on the road surfaced on AJ “Bazooka” Banal’s path to a world championship. If my forecast is right, AJ Banal won the WBA super flyweight championship last night by knock-out in the middle rounds just as we were going into press for today’s issue. If Rafa Concepcion didn’t change his style from that which we saw from a previous fight, then Banal will tear him up real bad. Concepcion is called “El Torito” or little bull since he fights like a bull, always going forward and not afraid to get hit. He uses his power to get the job done and is not known to be a technical type of a boxer with finesse and classy moves. This type of boxer is a perfect match for Banal’s combination of excellent boxing skills, power and ring maturity. Concepcion comes at you with his punches coming from wild angles via hooks and overhand rights. His jab looks more lik...