Business and Sports
Bleacher Talk April 27, 2008 Business and Sports One of the most popular clichés in sports is how “business and sports are a perfect mix.” Yes, one can do business, score deals and bond with customers in sports, and we often see this on the court. The most common phenomenon in this department is how top level CEO’s and company heads close deals and talk business over a round of golf at their favorite golf courses. A bottle of beer or dinner after a round of golf becomes the final icing on the cake of a business deal discussed over four hours of walking together in a CEO’s biggest “office,” the golf course. While this may be true for business owners, CEO’s and company presidents, those of us in the lower echelons of the work force also have our own share of business deals struck while playing our favorite sport with customers, clients or partners. While this may not involve the millions of pesos that are the usual topics out in golf courses, the numbers are good enough to survive and su...