MGCQ, GCQ, or MECQ? Note: Updated from its May 31 version.... There seems to be confusion over the quarantine status that the government is declaring all over the country. The latest is that the entire province of Cebu will be under General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) from June 1-15, including Cebu City. Still Confused? The IATF Resolution Number 38 earlier indicated that the Cebu Province would be under GCQ while Cebu City would be under MECQ from June 1-15. This was apparently changed a day after the memo was released, leaving many to ask, “Unsa ba gyud?” As I write this piece, anything can still happen and don’t be surprised if another change is made. Let’s all just chill, relax and wait for the succeeding announcements from our local officials. One thing is certain, there is still the letter “Q” (stay home) and most importantly, COVID 19 is very much alive, kicking and ready to rumble! For the sports world, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infe...